Development Cost Charges (DCCs) - Town of Gibsons

About Development Cost Charges

DCCs are fees collected by local governments to help fund the cost of growth-related infrastructure expenditures. DCCs are regulated by the Local Government Act. The rates charged reflect the impact growth has on infrastructure, parks, and eligible protective services, the greater the impact, the larger the charge. This helps ensure development contributes its fair share towards the necessary growth-related infrastructure improvements that development benefits from.

Development Cost Charges (DCCs) help offset the cost of providing new infrastructure related to development. For example, they help build sewers, water mains, drainage, and roads. The Town of Gibsons (Town) most recent major DCC update was in 2016, with an amendment in 2018. DCCs are a one-time charge, which are levied during:

  • at subdivision
  • at building permit

Legislative Changes

On November 30, 2023, three bills representing various amendments to the Local Government Act received royal assent as part of the Province’s Homes for People Action Plan. These bills will have a significant impact on:

  • Residential development
  • The Town’s infrastructure needs

As a result of the Provincial changes and increased capital costs for construction, the Town has engaged in a review of its infrastructure needs. Following this, the Town will be moving forward with the implementation of revised DCCs.

Upcoming Changes

The Town intends to implement an update to the existing DCC program through Council bylaw and approval by the Inspector of Municipalities.

Attend an online info session about the proposed changes


Once presented to Council, and following a targeted stakeholder information session, the proposed rates will be posted here.

In-stream Protection

The Town’s upcoming DCC rates are anticipated to come into effect at time of bylaw adoption. However, legislation provides protection to in-stream:

  • Building permit applications
  • Precursor applications (re-zoning and development permit applications)
  • Subdivision applications

This statutory in-stream protection period will be applicable for twelve (12) months following the effective date of the DCC Bylaws.

Additional Information & Frequently Asked Questions

View the Town’s existing DCC Bylaw

View the recent legislative changes

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have any questions, comments, or general feedback regarding the implementation of the above changes, please contact the Town at: