Would you like to remove a tree from your property?
1. First, please refer to the Tree Removal Flow Chart (below) to determine whether you will require a permit to do so.
2. If you do require a permit, please complete this Tree Cutting Permit Application below and submit to Town Hall with the appropriate permit fee.
Tree Removal Permit Application
Need Help?
We are happy to help guide you through this process! Please send your questions to infrastructure@gibsons.ca.
Active & Inactive Bird Nests
The most active bird nesting season starts on March 15 and lasts until August 15 every year.
It is an offense under Section 34 of the Wildlife Act, 1982 to disturb or destroy an active bird nest.
If you need to prune or remove a tree or other vegetation from your property you must ensure that there are no active bird nests in the vegetation.
If you do find an active nest, the vegetation must be left undisturbed until all the birds have left the nest.
Please note that the nests of an eagle, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, osprey, heron, or burrowing owl are protected under the Wildlife Act, regardless of nest activity (i.e. active or inactive).
You may be in contravention of the Provincial Wildlife Act if you remove trees during the nesting season. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you retain a Registered Professional Biologist to confirm nesting or the lack thereof on your site prior to removals.
Tree Preservation Bylaw
On September 18, 2020, Tree Preservation Bylaw 1282-2020 and 1125-10 Bylaw Enforcement – Tree Bylaw (which outlines the penalties associated with non-compliance) were adopted. Read more about the Tree Preservation Bylaw, including its development, here.
Additional Resources
For more information, please contact the British Columbia Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or visit:
Birds Protected Under the Migratory Birds Convention Act
Develop with Care 2014: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development