Development Permit Areas - Town of Gibsons

Municipalities have the authority to establish Development Permit Areas (DPAs) to protect the natural environment and ensure the livability and functionality of neighbourhoods. The Town of Gibsons has established guidelines to regulate development within the following DPAs. If a property falls under multiple DPAs (e.g., a multi-unit residential site within a Geotechnical Hazard Area), the guidelines for each applicable DPA must be followed and a Development Permit issued prior to development.

DPA Maps

DPA 1: Geotechnical Hazards Areas Map

DAP 2: Environmentally Sensitive Areas

DPA 3,4,5,6,7,8, 10: Form and Character Areas Map

Environmental Development Permit Areas

If you wish to develop within an environmental DPA, you are required to provide a DP application and a report from a qualified professional. This report must address the development permit area criteria for review by Town staff.  Development Permit must be issued before any land clearing or alteration, building permits, or subdivisions can proceed.

DPA 1: Geotechnical Hazard Areas

DPA 2: Environmentally Sensitive Areas

DPA 9: Gibsons Aquifer

Form and Character Development Permit Areas

The Town’s form and character Development Permit Areas ensure that new development has a high quality of design, respects its neighbourhood surroundings, and fits with the character of Gibsons as envisioned in the Official Community Plan.  Single family residential development is exempt from requirement of a Development Permit, though infill development including garden suites (detached accessory dwellings do require a DP.

DPA 3: Upper Gibsons Commercial Area

DPA 4: Multi-Unit Residential Development

DPA 5: Gibsons Landing – commercial and multi-unit residential development

DPA 6: Light Industrial/Service Commercial

DPA 7: Live/Work

DPA 8: Intensive Residential

DPA 10: Gospel Rock Village

How to Apply For a Permit

For more information on how to apply for a development permit, please refer to the following guides:

Contact the Planning Department


Phone: 604-886-2274