What is FOG?

Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) are cooking byproducts from meat, gravy, cooking oil, dressings, butter, lard, shortening, margarine, and other foods.
How does it affect our system?
FOG hardens as it cools and coats the inside of our pipes, causing blockages or backups. The Town of Gibsons Public Works crew has ongoing issues with FOG building up in our system. Grease in pipes and our treatment plant increases user costs.
What can you do about it?
Do not put any Fats, Oils, and Grease down the sink, and make sure your business’s grease interceptor, which helps trap the grease before it reaches the system, is installed and properly maintained.
Who can install and maintain Grease Traps?
Grease traps must be maintained to function properly. Depending on the size or the grease trap, maintenance can be performed in house or contracted out. There are twol local contractors available for grease trap installation and maintenance:
- Bonniebrook Industries – 604 886 7064
- Startek Industrial Services – 604 886 1212
At this time those are the only business providing this service on the Sunshine Coast. If you are aware of others, please email info@gibsons.ca with their details and we will update our information.
Where can I learn more?
Any other inquiries, please contact Town Hall at 604-886-2274