Foreshore Seawalk Improvement Project - Town of Gibsons


What does foreshore refer to?
The term “foreshore” refers to the area between the natural boundary of the ocean and the lowest tides. This length of foreshore serves a range of uses:

  • It supports the marine ecosystem.
  • The sewer trunk line runs along the foreshore underneath the Seawalk.
  • The service access road above this sanitary sewer is also used as a popular waterfront walkway along the ocean (the Seawalk).

About the project
The objective of the Foreshore Seawalk Improvement Project is to propose a concept that will:

a) improve the environmental quality of the foreshore area,

b) ensure the reliable long-term provision of sanitary sewer service, and

c) accommodate recreational use along the walkway.

The concept will build on findings from the Foreshore Condition Assessment completed by the Town in 2014. This assessment evaluated the environmental value and condition of infrastructure in the foreshore area, and identified a number of areas in need of repair. Principles of the Town’s Eco-Asset Strategy, which was added to the Official Community Plan in 2015, will also inform the concept. The Eco-Asset Strategy highlights the importance of incorporating key features of the natural environment to improve the sustainability of municipal services. Based on this Strategy, the Town acknowledges that changes need to be made to maintain the sanitary sewer and walkway and to address sustainability objectives.

Project Background

  • A team of consultants was formed in early 2016 to guide the design process. The team, led by Kerr Wood Leidal Associates in partnership with other specialists, included engineering, environmental (marine habitat and eelgrass protection), survey and public engagement experts.
  • Public engagement was conducted in 2016 to receive feedback from the community regarding the foreshore area.
  • Based off the feedback from the public, a conceptual design report was completed by Kerr Wood Leidal in 2017, and Town staff then applied for and received a grant for $2M for these upgrades to the Foreshore.
  • The scope of the Foreshore Upgrades will include protecting the foreshore and seawalk with armour rock, protecting and enhancing the foreshore environment, raising the seawalk to account for sea-level rise, and repairing and protecting the sanitary trunk main that is located underneath the seawalk.

The updated project schedule is as follows:

  • Early 2024: The Town has engaged consultants to advance the design.
  • Mid-Late 2024: All required permits and regulatory requirements will be applied for
  • Mid-Late 2025: Construction will begin once the design has been completed and all permits have been received.
  • Early 2026: Estimated project completion

 Seawalk Improvement Project

Foreshore Seawalk Notices and Documents