Ocean Watch Action Committee - Town of Gibsons

In November 2020, Council resolved that CAO and Chief Resiliency Officer Emanuel Machado and Councillor Annemarie De Andrade participate in the Ocean Watch Action Committee and that they continue to advance the recommended Action Items identified in the Ocean Wise Howe Sound Ocean Watch Report – 2020 Edition within the Town of Gibsons.

The seven Action Items include:

  1. Increase knowledge of the local area and species through research;
  2. Protect and restore marine species, habitats and ecosystem services;
  3. Increase awareness and education and ensure consistent messaging on environmental issues;
  4. Drive high-level change using official channels (e.g. guidelines, policies, bylaws) appropriate to the circumstances;
  5. Financially support conservation actions and ensure stricter enforcement;
  6. Collect long-term data to identify trends, support decision-making, and evaluate the outcome of actions taken; and
  7. Decrease greenhouse gas emissions and move toward zero carbon municipalities to align with recommended reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions e.g. IPCC, Paris Agreement, Copenhagen Accord.

The following quarterly reports describe the ongoing progress made by the Town against each of these Action Items:

Ocean Watch – Q3 2022

Ocean Watch – Q1 2022

Ocean Watch – Q4 2021

Ocean Watch – Q3 2021

Ocean Watch – Q2 2021