2025 Budget - Town of Gibsons

The Town of Gibsons’ annual budget is one of our most important tools for planning and managing the services and infrastructure that support our community. Each year, we undertake a careful and collaborative process to review the departments’ operating and capital budgets to determine their needs for the upcoming year. This ensures the budget reflects the needs and priorities of our residents, aligns with the Council’s strategic plan, and meets legislative requirements.

Upcoming Budget Meetings:

March 4, 2025, at 1:00 pm – Special Committee-of-the-Whole

The Director of Finance will present the Financial Plan 2025-2029: Waste, Water and Sewer Rates.

Related Documents




Get Involved

Gibsons’ residents and businesses are encouraged to share their thoughts and priorities with Council. This could include a desire for more parks, reserves for infrastructure development, tree protection, or lower taxes. We encourage you to attend budget meetings to learn about the process, understand the issues and challenges, and share your thoughts. 

  • Attend a Budget Meeting
  • Submit Feedback: Email your comments to mayorandcouncil@gibsons.ca or drop them off at Town Hall.
  • A Community Dialogue was held on January 7th, 2025 to hear from the community on their budget priorities (See the notes from the dialogue below),

Town of Gibsons: Community Dialogue Recap

Please note that this is not an official
record of events. If we missed something that you think we should add, please
email communications@gibsons.ca.

Town Budget Priorities

Date: January 7, 2025
Location: Gibsons Heritage Playhouse
Attendance: 50 members of the public, plus six members of Council (Mayor White, Councillors Lumley, Thomson, and Croal)


Mayor White welcomed attendees and opened the evening with a 20-minute documentary on Gibsons’ Residents Assembly. Following the video, the Director of Finance presented the budget priorities, and the Director of Infrastructure outlined capital and operating plans for 2025.

Presentation Slides

Questions and Comments


Policing Costs

  • Question: Will there be an increase in police services with higher charges?
    Answer: Mayor White clarified that increased costs are downloaded by the Province without accompanying service enhancements.
  • Question: Would funds from other departments be allocated to policing?
    Answer: The Director of Finance explained that Council decides on revenue adjustments, which may involve reallocating funds. Mayor White noted the Town’s proactive approach of reserving funds to avoid sudden tax increases, citing Fernie as an example.

Infrastructure and Water Supply

  • Question: Is there an assessment of aging water infrastructure, and are funds available for replacements?
    Answer: The Director of Infrastructure (DOI) described the water system’s components and mentioned the 10-year-old Water Master Plan, scheduled for updates in 2026. Renewal of aging systems is ongoing, supported by Gibsons’ resilient groundwater aquifer.
  • Question: Why is development continuing if there is a perceived water supply issue?
    Answer: DOI clarified that there is no water supply issue; the aquifer can support future growth as outlined in the Official Community Plan (OCP).
  • Question: Is there a plan to assess and replace outfall equipment?
    Answer: DOI explained that the outfall’s location mitigates impacts from sea level rise, but elements closer to the foreshore are included in long-term plans.

Traffic and Road Safety

  • Question: Is the Town lowering the speed limit?
    Answer: DOI confirmed Council’s approval of a speed limit reduction at Five Corners, with a broader town-wide reduction being considered in the upcoming Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
  • Comments:
    • Traffic calming measures are needed on Stewart Road, Park Road, and South Fletcher.
    • More sidewalks should be added (e.g., Reed Road).
    • Speed and traffic control of e-bikes and scooters should be addressed.

Community Development

  • Question: What is the plan for the road leading out of Gospel Rock?
    Answer: DOI stated that traffic studies were conducted during planning phases, and Shaw Road improvements may be needed as part of the TMP. The Mayor emphasized that development build-out will be gradual.
  • Comments:
    • A mentorship program for young entrepreneurs is needed.
    • Childcare services during Town events would encourage broader participation.

Parks and Recreation

  • Comment: A fenced dog park is needed.
    Response: Mayor White said this will be considered in the 2026 Parks Master Plan.
  • Comments:
    • Trails should be more accessible for scooters and e-bikes.
    • Ecosystems are deteriorating due to invasive species and off-leash dogs.
      Response: DOI mentioned plans to seek grants for addressing these issues once the Urban Forest Plan is finalized.
  • Question: Is there room in the budget for Winegarden Park electricity improvements and band shell repairs?
    Answer: Mayor White noted that maintenance challenges arise with community-funded projects like the band shell. These challenges will be addressed as resources allow.
  • Comment: One attendee mentioned that they would like the Town to research potential new beach access on Skyline, Avalon and Franklin, as well as do beach access repairs on Franklin.
    Response: The Director of Infrastructure noted that all beach accesses, both existing and potential future, will be reviewed as part of the Parks Master Plan in 2026.

Specific Projects

  • Question: What was the forecasted cost of the Pebble Beach repair compared to the actual cost?
    Answer: DOI shared that the forecasted cost was $250,000, but actual costs exceeded $300,000.
  • Question: What is the plan for waterfront beautification, including portable toilet enclosures?
    Answer: DOI committed to exploring options for improving the appearance of portable toilets and addressing maintenance needs.

Budget and Community Planning

  • Question: What is happening with SCREDO?
    Answer: Mayor White explained that the Town ceased SCREDO funding due to insufficient value and is exploring other resources for business development support.
  • Question: Is there a plan to integrate Elphinstone into the Town?
    Answer: Mayor White noted past referendum results and stated that renewed interest would need to come from Area E residents.

Additional Comments Received via Email

  • Comment: A request was made to address maintenance concerns on Ocean Beach Esplanade and to tackle speeding vehicles on North Road from the Ferry Terminal.
    Response: Mayor White explained that these areas fall outside the Town’s jurisdiction. However, the Town continues to advocate to the provincial government on issues that impact Gibsons residents.

  • Comment: An email highlighted the need for more doctors in the community.
    Response: Mayor White acknowledged the concern, noting that while it is not within the scope of the municipal budget, regional efforts are ongoing. The Mayor serves on a committee with the Divisions of Family Practice to attract more doctors to the Sunshine Coast. Additionally, the provincially funded Primary Care Network will soon open a new clinic in Sechelt.

  • Comment: Four emails were received expressing support for the creation of a dog park in Gibsons.
    Response: Mayor White responded that plans for a dog park are deferred to the 2026 Parks Master Plan for further consideration.

  • Comment: An email emphasized the need for additional play areas for children in Gibsons.

  • Comment: An email requested the Town’s assistance in purchasing Gospel Rock.
    Response: Mayor White explained that Gospel Rock has historically been privately owned and was never part of the Town’s public lands. Although an opportunity to purchase the land may have existed decades ago, its recent valuation exceeds $7 million. However, advocacy efforts by residents and environmental groups resulted in 16.6 acres (35% of the property) being protected under a neighbourhood plan passed in 2012. This protection is formalized through a covenant with the Land Conservancy of BC and the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association.
  • Comment: A request was made to increase moorage spaces for visiting boaters to stimulate economic activity and to explore funding opportunities for boat recycling to free up marina space.
    Response: Mayor White assured the resident that the Town is actively examining the Harbour, including the recreational water lease, which may incorporate buoy moorage. Discussions about harbour expansion with the Harbour Authority are also ongoing and will be a focus in the coming year.
  • Comment: Crosswalks are needed on School Rd. The only two designated crossings are at the top and bottom of the 700m stretch of road, which is not very accessible or feasible. Further, there is no designated sidewalk on the east side of School Road from 710 School Road to the top (about 350 meters). What would it take to install a new sidewalk on this side of the road? It would improve safety and accessibility for children (going to/from school), families (with strollers), and those with mobility limitations. 
    Response: Mayor White replied that he will pass the suggestion about the crosswalks onto the infrastructure department. He further explained that a sidewalk on the east side has been considered in the past, however, the only financially feasible way of building it will be for more development to occur in order to build up enough to pay for it out of development cost charges.

Budget Timeline

  • January – February: Council identifies priorities; staff draft the budget.
  • March: Public consultation begins.
  • April: Council reviews public input and refines the draft.
  • May: Final budget and Five-Year Financial Plan are approved.