Background Information
On February 2, 2021, Council adopted Bylaw 1288, 2021, which establishes an Advisory Design Panel to advise Council on the design quality of development applications referred to it from the Town’s Planning and Development Services Department and/or Council, and to make recommendations to Council on the approval process.
The Advisory Design Panel is comprised of six regular members, including:
- 2 architects (members or retired members of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia) or urban designers;
- 1 landscape architect (member of the BC Society of Landscape architects) or landscape specialist from a related background; and
- 3 residents and/or property owners of the Town of Gibsons, with a combination of backgrounds in: engineering, urban planning, accessibility, community heritage, real estate, industry, construction, affordable housing, building design, arboriculture, crime prevention, and other fields of specific interest to development form and character.
Meetings are generally held once a month and not more than twice a month, as determined by the Director of Planning.
Advisory Design Panel – Key Terms of Reference
Council will appoint all members of the Design Panel, including one member as Chair of the Design Panel, and one member as Vice-Chair of the Design Panel. Whenever possible, positions on the Design Panel are to be filled by residents and/or property owners of the Town of Gibsons.
Additionally, the following representatives will participate as liaisons and non-voting members of the Design Panel:
- A member of Council (or designate);
- The Director of Planning (or designate); and
- The Director of Infrastructure Services (or designate).
The Design Panel has no decision-making authority, no delegated authority from Council, and may not direct staff.
For a complete description of the Design Panel’s Purpose and Scope, Composition, Appointment and Membership, Liaisons, Voting, Election of Chairperson, Quorom, Meetings and Attendance, Minutes, Annual Budget, Conflict of Interest and Authority, please refer to Bylaw 1288, 2021.