These highlights offer a quick summary of key decisions and agenda items discussed in Council Meetings to give residents a snapshot of what’s happening in our community.
Please note that these are informal summaries and are not an official record of proceedings. For official records including agendas, minutes and staff reports, please refer to civicweb.net
To view recordings of past meetings or watch upcoming meetings live, go to youtube.com/@TheTownofGibsons/streams
Council and Committee-of-the-Whole Highlights – March 4, 2025
View the Committee-of-the-Whole Agenda
View the Council Meeting Agenda
2025-2029 Financial Plan: Waste, Water and Sewer Rates
The Finance Department is proposing adjustments to waste, sewer, and water rates in its Financial Plan 2025-2029 to ensure these services remain fully funded and sustainable. Each utility is operated on a full cost-recovery basis, meaning they are funded by user fees rather than general tax revenue. Due to rising service costs, capital infrastructure needs, and debt obligations, are recommending rate increases across all three utilities.
For waste services, a 9% increase in 2025 is proposed, primarily due to a $68,000 cost reallocation from general municipal taxes to waste fees. After 2025, waste rates are expected to rise by approximately 3% annually. The Town is also considering adding $6,000 for public education on waste sorting to reduce landfill contamination.
For water services, the staff proposed 10% annual increases for three years (2025-2027) to address capital funding gaps and ensure long-term infrastructure stability. Additionally, a one-time 8% increase is required in 2025 to cover $175,000 in annual debt payments for the $2.2M Skyline Watermain Project. The Town’s capital reserve contributions must increase from $400,000 to $600,000 per year to keep up with future infrastructure replacement needs.
For sewer services, the staff recommends 10% annual increases for five years (2025-2029) to address long-term infrastructure needs, including the $6M Outfall Replacement Project planned for 2027-2028. A one-time 5% increase in 2025 is also required to cover $104,000 in annual debt payments for an $825,000 sewer infrastructure upgrade. To maintain system sustainability, annual reserve contributions must increase from $440,000 to $660,000.
These rate adjustments are necessary to ensure reliable service delivery, fund critical infrastructure projects, and maintain responsible financial planning. The recommendations were supported by Council and will come back for three readings and adoption later this month.
Light Intrusion Bylaw Adopted
The Town of Gibsons is introducing a new bylaw to prevent unwanted light from shining into neighbouring homes and disturbing residents’ peace and comfort. Under this bylaw, homeowners and businesses cannot have outdoor lights that shine directly into someone else’s living or sleeping areas in a disruptive way. Exceptions include streetlights, emergency services, public parks, school playgrounds, and properly maintained motion sensor and solar lights. Town officers will be able to check properties for compliance, and those who violate the bylaw may face fines as outlined in Gibsons’ enforcement rules. This bylaw aims to balance safety and comfort by promoting responsible outdoor lighting use.
Revised Development Variance Permit and Development Permit for 672 North Road
A Development Permit (DP) for form and character was issued for a 42-unit rental apartment building with 1 commercial unit at 672 North Road. A Development Variance Permit (DVP) has been authorized to increase the building height by 2.82 m and to reduce parking requirements to a ratio of 1 parking space per dwelling unit.
The issuance of the DVP is subject to securing all housing units in the building as rental for 20 years, 10 of these units will be affordable* rental units for 14 years. The applicant must provide 1 parking space per dwelling unit, or provide a car share vehicle and space on the property, and lastly, a 5-metre right-of-way along the North property line will be registered for future lane use.
*Affordable for this agreement is defined as 30% of Median Total Income CMA-Statcan (Median total income, All Families) per year, per unit.
Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw Update
The Town of Gibsons is updating its Development Cost Charges (DCC) rates to reflect rising construction costs and infrastructure needs identified in recent strategic plans. At the February 18, 2025, Committee of the Whole meeting, staff recommended revised DCC rates which better reflect the Town’s future needs and reduce the proposed DCC rate increase by 10%. On March 4, 2025, Council directed staff to proceed with the revised DCC rates and to include a charge exemption for Secondary Suites and Lock-off Suites.
The bylaw will now move forward for first, second, and third readings before seeking provincial approval.
Council Meeting Highlights – November 19, 2024
Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) for Non-Principal Resident Residential Guest Accommodations (new and renewals)
Council approved the renewal of 25 Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) for short-term rentals that are not a principal residence. They denied one new application for an RGA in a residential apartment at 263 Gower Point Rd. These permits will allow continued operation for up to two years. Council continues to support a balance of maintaining residential neighbourhoods, supporting tourist accommodation and encouraging long-term rentals.
2024-11-19 RGA TUP Renewals Staff Report
Persephone Restoration Project Update
Architect Ricardo Mondragon presented the latest plans for the future site of the Persephone boat, once it is restored. Highlights included:
Restoration: Restoration is currently underway at the Public Works Yard with tremendous support from local businesses and individuals who have donated materials and time. The restoration will use metalwork and high-quality materials to ensure the boat can better withstand local weather conditions.
Shelter Design: The design plans intend for the boat to be visible from all angles and allow for access between the Visitor Info Centre and the museum. The plans also include a lookout pier, picnic area, plantings, and access to the boat.
Councillors discussed the balance between providing adequate protection and maintaining accessibility and visibility for public enjoyment. Councillor Lumley noted that boats are designed to withstand some exposure to the elements. It was also mentioned that a maintenance plan will be put in place for its ongoing upkeep.
Councillor De Andrade suggested incorporating solar panels, which could be explored in future updates.
Engineering Considerations: Avoiding any impact on the aquifer is a top priority. This project will follow the standard three-step process required for any construction on the aquifer. This includes a hydrogeological study, followed by a geotechnical report, which will guide the design of the structural framework and determine the foundation depth.
Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Highlights – November 19, 2024
5-Corners Safety Improvements
Council approved lowering the speed limit at the 5-Corners intersection from 50 km/h to 30 km/h. This area is Gibsons’ busiest pedestrian hub, especially during peak summer tourist season.
The speed limit will be reduced to 30 km/h on the following streets:
- Marine Drive, full extent.
- Gower Point Road, from Winn Road to the 5-corners intersection.
- School Road, full extent.
- Gibsons Way, from Killarney Lane to the 5-corners intersection.
Additionally, the potential for a Town-wide speed limit reduction will be assessed as part of the upcoming Transportation Master Plan, which is proposed as a project for the 2025 budget.
2024-11-19 Staff Report – 5-Corners Speed Reduction
Highlights of the Capital Projects Update Report
Staff presented an update to Council key projects in Gibsons. Here are some highlights:
- Whitetower Park Pond
The final amount of the project came in under budget so the remaining amount will be used to enhance the trails, add picnic tables and benches, and plant new trees.
It was also mentioned that the public has expressed interest in renaming this area. Council agreed that it was a good idea and will explore options.
- Pebbles Beach Stairs
Construction of the stairs and bank stabilization is substantially complete, with the only remaining deficiency being the installation of a handrail at the bottom portion of the stairs and the installation of erosion control measures. The remaining work is to be done by the end of this year, but the final landscaping will have to wait until 2025, due to concerns of having freshly placed topsoil erode during heavy rainfall events. Staff are developing a plan for improvements to the park above the slope and stairs, which may include a combination of landscaping, hardscaping, and other minor amenities (picnic tables, benches, etc.). This will be presented for consideration for inclusion in the landscaping budget.
Council Meeting Highlights – November 5, 2024
Business Licence Bylaw Amendment
The Town’s Business Licence Bylaw No. 666, originally adopted in 1992, has seen minimal adjustments to fees over the years, despite inflation rising by 92%. Updating and streamlining the business licence categories and fees offers a key opportunity to better recover the costs of administering licences while generating additional revenue. This adjustment also supports Council’s goal of exploring strategies for helping to limit the municipal tax increase.
Bylaw 666-13, 2024 For Adoption.pdf
Read the staff report from the Sept 24, 2024: Committee-of-the-Whole
OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for 528 Marine Drive
Council gave third reading and adopted the bylaw amendments to change the zoning from Comprehensive Development Area 1 to Residential Waterfront, which will allow a variety of housing options, including single detached, duplexes, triplexes, and townhouses, along the waterfront of Marine Drive and Marine Crescent.
The proposal for 528 Marine Drive is for a duplex.
Bylaw 985-37, 2024 For Third Reading
Bylaw 1065-82, 2024 Third Reading
Zoning Amendment Bylaw for Billy’s Walk
3rd Reading
Council gave third reading to the zoning amendment, which will change the zoning from Comprehensive Development Area 1 to a Multi-Family Residential 8 which will allow for 49 residential units, 17 of which will be rentals.
Bylaw 1065-81 2024 – RM-8 – Third Reading
24-10-29_Billy’s Walk_Public Comments Redacted
Billy’s walk Neighbour Submissions Redacted
OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for Lots A and C
2nd Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled
Council gave 2nd Reading to the OCP and Zoning Amendments to allow for a commercial building fronting Gibsons Way and three apartment buildings behind. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for December 3rd at 3:15 pm in Council Chambers.
More information on the Public Hearing to follow.
Attachment A-Public Information Meeting Summary
Attachment B-Survey from Public Information Meeting
Attachment C-Bylaw 985-38, 2024 for Second Reading
Attachment D-Bylaw 1065-83, 2024 For Second Reading
Proposed Amendments to the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw and Environmental Protection
Council unanimously supported first, second and third reading to amend the above bylaws that would give staff authority to address minor incidents of contaminant or sewage discharge into watercourses or storm sewers without relying on court proceedings. The update also replaces the outdated position of “Superintendent of Public Works” with “Manager of Maintenance and Operations.” The proposed fines align with the bylaw’s existing range, with a maximum penalty of $500 for discharges or obstructions.
Environmental Protection Staff Report to Council 943-01 and 1125-18
Permissive Property Tax Exemptions Bylaw
After extensive consideration since spring 2023, Council passed the Permissive Property Tax Exemptions Bylaw following its first, second, and third readings. Exempt properties were informed of the changes last year and were encouraged to find ways to use their land or programs to support Gibsons’ housing and homelessness needs. Non-compliant properties saw their exemptions reduced. Council emphasized that taxpayers ultimately bear the cost of these exemptions and noted that while some municipalities are eliminating exemptions altogether, Gibsons is taking a more moderate approach. With Gibsons’ aging infrastructure and escalating construction costs, Council is seeking ways to find savings and revenue without imposing further property tax increases on all taxpayers to subsidize tax exemptions for surplus properties.
1323, 2024 Permissive Property Tax Exemption 2025-.pdf (civicweb.net)
Zoning Amendment and Development Permit for 1057 Gibsons Way
The applicants updated the landscape plans to include a children’s play area as requested by Council, and the most recent traffic and parking study was provided to Council for review as requested. Council gave the zoning amendment second and third reading and the bylaw will be referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for approval prior to adoption.
Housing Agreement Bylaw for 718 North Road
The Housing Agreement for this proposed mixed-use development at 718 North Rd was given first, second and third readings. The proposed development includes 124 residential apartment units and a daycare space within three buildings over a parkade.
Official Community Plan (OCP) Update Communications and Engagement Strategy
Council gave the go-ahead to staff proceed with public consultation following the Communications and Engagement Plan, prepared by McElhanney. The Town will be seeking public input on the OCP update beginning this fall.
Sunshine Coast Regional District Community Climate Action Plan
The Natural Asset Technician provided Council with a review of the SCRD’s Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP), with some keys recommendations. These include conducting a gap analysis of water supply impacts, integrating ecological stewardship into land use policies, and enhancing the role of natural assets in planning.
Staff also mentioned, that further to this, the Corporate Climate Action Plan will be coming to Council soon, followed by a Community Climate Action Plan.
Gibsons Landing Seaside Heritage Society Building Notes
Correspondence was sent to staff with their vision of preserving Gibsons Landing’s seaside village/heritage character. The document contains background information, reference photos, and a gallery of heritage colour and seaside village samples.
Council was appreciative of the thoughtful and thorough report and agreed to consider the guidelines in the Town’s Official Community Plan (OCP) updates.
View the Gibsons Landing Seaside Heritage Building Notes
Statement of Significance on Stonehurst
The owners of the Stonehurst property wrote a letter to Council expressing their commitment to designating Stonehurst as a heritage site. This letter, a collaborative effort by local groups, the developer, and a specialized heritage consultant, supports the community’s request to preserve Stonehurst and also aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan “to support the preservation and restoration of Stonehurst.” Town staff will review the proposal and work with the consultant to determine the next steps.
GIB Stonehurst SOS 15-07-2024.pdf (civicweb.net)
Pebbles Beach Stair Replacement and Slope Stabilization Contract Amendment
Staff requested Council’s approval to update the budget for replacing the stairs and stabilizing the slope at Pebbles Beach. After the work began in June, the contractor discovered that the subsurface conditions were softer than anticipated, and a review by geotechnical engineers determined that the a revision of the stair design was necessary.
The mayor acknowledged that although the cost seems high, the investment is justified since this area is a valuable and well-used recreation spot for the community, comparable to indoor recreation facilities that cost much more. He also highlighted the challenge of working with this piece of land due to erosion and other factors. Council voted to increase the budget to ensure safe, long-term beach access for the public.
2024-07-23 Staff Report – Pebbles Beach Slope Stabilization Contract Amendment
Zoning Amendment for mixed use Commercial/ Residential Development at 1057 Gibsons Way
Staff presented a report requesting First Reading of bylaw 1065-78 and direction on the next steps for a development proposal at 1057 Gibsons Way, kitty-corner to the IGA mall. This rezoning is for a mixed-use commercial and rental apartment development, which has been revised since the original proposal was reviewed on January 23, 2024. The revised plans provide 30 additional rental apartment units for a total of 176 dwelling units, including 3 commercial units and 5 live/work units in four stories over two underground parkades. The proposed development is in a key area of the Town where a wide variety of services are accessible within walking distance and via transit.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1065-81, 2024 – Billy’s Walk Residences
“Billy’s Walk Residences,” is a proposed development consisting of five residential buildings connected by a public pedestrian walkway linking North Fletcher Road and Gibsons Way. The site will accommodate up to 49 units, comprising both apartments and four-plex buildings, underground parking, and some private garages.
After a lengthy discussion about the challenges with the 5-corners intersection and concerns that increasing density in the area may impact it, Council decided to pass First Reading, with a note for staff to further consider traffic implications at this intersection.
View the staff reports below:
June 12, 2024 Staff report to ADP
June 18, 2024 Staff report to COW
The Following bylaws were adopted:
- Filming Regulation Bylaw No. 1322, 2024
- Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 1125-17, 2024
- Anti-Noise Amendment Bylaw No. 1285-02, 2024
- Rates, Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 1196-24, 2024
- Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1065-77, 2024 – 711 Courtney Road
The next Regular meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 3:30pm.
The full agenda and minutes can be viewed at Gibsons – Meeting Information (civicweb.net) and a recording of the meeting can be viewed at Town of Gibsons – Regular Council – July 9, 2024 (3:30 pm) (youtube.com)
Alternative Approval Process Results
As elector response forms for both the Sanitary Sewer and Outfall and Water Main and Road Restoration Projects were received from less than 10% of electors in the Gibsons electoral area (calculated at 393), elector approval has been obtained and Council has adopted the bylaws. View the staff report.
Smoke Control Bylaw No. 1321, 2024
This Bylaw was proposed due to ongoing complaints from residents regarding a couple of properties in Town about the emission of smoke from an indoor chimney or stack. The complaints often pertain to impacting someone’s well-being, such as an offensive odour or the amount of smoke causing concerns about environmental contamination. This bylaw is not intended to restrict or regulate regular indoor household burning. The Bylaw was Adopted. View the staff report.
Filming Regulation Bylaw, Policy & Fees
Council gave first, second and third reading, and adopted a new filming bylaw that would update the current bylaw due to the significant increase in local film production.
View the staff report.
Rates, Fee, and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 1196-23 – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading
Staff have reviewed fees and charges for various services adjusting some to inflation, increasing some for cost recovery as appropriate and removing items that are no longer applicable. View the staff report.
Applications for Variance and Form and Character Development Permit for a residential rental development and daycare at 718 North Rd
Council approved the requested variances to allow for the development 124 residential apartment units and a daycare space within three buildings over a parkade. The applicant may now proceed with a building permit application. View the staff report from the June 18, Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.
Development Permit (DP-2024-13) for a 5-unit residential building at 504 South Fletcher Road
Council approved the request for the DP on the condition that a 2-metre Right-of Way along the Periwinkle Lane frontage is provided for access and that a setback relaxation be granted to allow the landscape retaining walls to extend to the Right-of-Way. View the staff report from the June 18, 2024 Committee of Whole (civicweb.net)
Billy’s Walk Residences – Zoning Amendment for a mixed-tenure residential development with five buildings at Lots 19, 20 and 21 Gibsons Way and 666 School Road
Council approved the Form and Character Development Permit and staff were directed to notify residents of upcoming decisions on proposed zoning amendments. View the staff report at 2024-06-18 CoW Billys Walk (1).pdf (civicweb.net)
New Director of Finance Appointment
William Wallace has been appointed as the new Director of Finance for the Town. He recently relocated from Smithers, BC, where he was serving as the Director of Finance. His extensive experience includes roles as Chief Financial Officer at the City of Williams Lake and Director of Finance at the District of Houston. Additionally, William has held senior-level finance positions at various BC crown corporations and a global local government sustainability association.
Mayor Silas White
Green Waste: CAO Machado, Director of Infrastructure Trevor Rutley and I met with CAO Dean McKinley and GM of Infrastructure Remko Rosenboom of the SCRD about the problem of the SCRD disallowing small landscaping companies from dropping off residential green waste at the Henry Road site. It took some time, a lot of advocacy, and some creative work by SCRD staff (thank you Tina Perreault and Sherry Reid!) but on June 27, a bylaw change was passed to clarify that a green waste load of under 4 cubic metres (which is slightly greater than a large pickup load) will be considered residential and will therefore be allowed to use the free (well, paid for by taxation) Henry Road service.
Complex Care Housing: Representatives from VCH and BC Housing came to Sechelt to discuss the opportunities for Complex Care Housing on the Coast. As previously mentioned, this is a tremendous advocacy achievement (related to all this investment of time you see elsewhere in this and other reports into treatment, recovery and other mental health services) that the Sunshine Coast has been awarded 20 beds, as many as Vancouver. Much of the work to help identify a suitable location will need to be led by BC Housing and the District of Sechelt, which I am of course supporting on Council’s behalf, as part of our Strategic Plan.
Further advocacy included:
- Regional Hospital District Subcommittee: Attended Regional Hospital District Subcommittee meeting, confirming Totem Lodge repurposing and exploring primary care clinic locations.
- Ferry Advisory Committee: Attended a challenging Ferry Advisory Committee meeting and sent a letter to BC Ferries emphasizing the need for action over discussions.
- BC Ferries: Together with Councillor Croal, we met with BC Ferries officials to discuss community concerns, recognizing the need for provincial funding to improve services.
- shíshálh Nation Meetings: Held multiple meetings with the shíshálh Nation about water projects.
- SCRD Governance: Highlighted the passage of the Community Climate Action Plan and an ambitious Transit Expansion plan. Presented the Aquifer 560 Agreement Update.
Councillor, David Croal
- Attended the Howe Sound Community Forum, discussing the Sea to Sky bike trail and conservation funding.
- Participated in a discussion on emergency preparedness for people with disabilities.
- Joined the Thriving Communities Council meeting, discussing poverty statistics.
- Proclaimed Pride Month and raised the Pride Flag.
- Served at the Canada Day community BBQ event.
Councillor Annemarie De Andrade
- Hosted a roundtable on future jobs on the Coast, focusing on sustainable living.
- Participated in the Ocean Watch Action Committee meeting, discussing ecological health and planning clean-up efforts.
The next Regular meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday, July 23 at 1:00pm.
Smoke Control Bylaw No. 1321, 2024 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings
Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings to the proposed Smoke Control Bylaw that would regulate heavy smoke or smoke with a noxious odour from indoor burning within the Town.
The reason for the Bylaw is the ongoing complaints from residents regarding a couple of properties in Town about the emission of smoke from an indoor chimney or stack. The complaints often pertain to impacting someone’s well-being, such as an offensive odour or the amount of smoke causing concerns about environmental contamination.
The Bylaw will be on the July 9th Council Meeting for adoption.
View the full report here: Staff Report Indoor Burning.pdf
Gibsons Residents Assembly Recommendations – Presented
Taking place over five Sundays between February and May 2024, the Residents Assembly saw 25 members of the Gibsons community come together to deliberate over the question: “How can Gibsons best plan for the future and meet the housing needs of our growing population?”.
The members who had been selected through a civic lottery process to represent the demographic diversity of Gibsons participated in a wide range of learning activities and heard from numerous experts on a range of topics. At the final session, the Assembly took part in a consensus voting process to finalize recommendations which are included in the report to Council to inform the Town’s OCP update. The six recommendations offer a set of values to guide the OCP, as well as recommendations on relationship-building and reconciliation with the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) and housing policy options.
The recommendations and the full report can be viewed here: Residents-Assembly-Report_2024_Final-Appendix-compressed.pdf
Participant quotes:
“This process left me feeling empowered, encouraged, and proud of our little town.”
“It made our difference feel not that different.”
Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1320, 2024 – Adopted
A Council Procedure Bylaw establishes the general procedures that Council follows in conducting its business. The reason for proposing these changes is to improve the efficiency in the conduct of meetings and to bring it in line with legislative changes.
Some of the key proposed amendments included in this Bylaw are:
- Remove sections already addressed by the Community Charter, Local
Government Act or Robert’s Rules of Order
- Provide readability and clarity
- Allow for meeting schedule changes without a bylaw amendment
- Update language to reflect legislative changes
- Align language with the Community Charter and Local Government Act
- Promote healthy discussion and manageable meeting length
- Include new content to provide clarity on presiding over meetings
- Conduct a general clean-up of grammar and content to allow the Corporate Officer to correct typographical errors
- Provide a reasonable period in a new year in which to schedule meetings
The full Bylaw can be viewed at TOWN OF GIBSONS (civicweb.net)
View the full agenda and minutes from the meeting.
View the recording of the meeting.
2024 Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaws
A the May 7th Council Meeting, the final 2024 budget financial plan and tax rate bylaw were adopted.
The approved budget includes an 8% overall tax increase, including 5% toward future policing costs and 3% to support general operations. For the owner of an average residential property valued at $920,560 this would mean an additional $103.24 in municipal taxes.
Both Sewer and Water rates have increased by 5%, and Garbage and Organics User Rates will increase by $38 annually. With water meters, users pay for what they use: a sample single-family residential property (160m3 over 6-month period) will pay an additional $45.47. For sewer services, an average single family residential property will pay an additional $35.30.
Council and staff worked diligently over the last several months to find savings and revenue to keep taxes as low as possible. With Gibsons’ aging infrastructure and escalating construction costs, maintaining a minimal tax increase presented a significant challenge.
This budget ensures that Gibsons will have the necessary resources to continue delivering essential services to the community while also addressing infrastructure needs and preparing for the upcoming increase in policing costs.
More information on the budget can be found at gibsons.ca/budget-2024
OCP and Zoning Amendment for Lot A and C
Council authorized staff to prepare the OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws for OCP-2023-04 and ZA-2023-07 to accommodate the commercial and residential development on Lots A and C Gibsons Way. These are the lots surrounding the 101 Brewery, BMO building and Blue Heron live-work spaces.
629 Mahan Road
Council approved the request for a Development Permit and Development Variance to allow additional height and apartment use on ground level for the property at 629 Mahan Road. Council thoroughly discussed the community impact of an additional floor of housing units and ultimately reasoned by a majority vote that approving the variance would better meet community housing needs than denying it.
456-458 Marine Drive Gibsons Way
Staff presented the revised design for a mixed-use building at on the waterfront at 456-458 Marine Drive Gibsons Way, besides the Bayside restaurant. Council was in favour of authorizing the form and character Development Permit, subject to the following changes:
a) Secure the stairs from Marine Drive to the Sea-walk for public access.
b) Revise the colour palette for brighter colours.
c) Soften the armouring along the sea walk.
Pebbles Beach Stairs
A contract to replace the stairs and conduct slope stabilization at Pebbles Beach has been awarded to NB Contracting. Construction is scheduled to begin on May 27 and is expected to be completed by the end of June. The park will be closed to the public during this period.
Pebbles Beach Restoration – Town of Gibsons
What has Council been up to?
Conference Attendance: Mayor White and Youth Representative, Cael Read, attended the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities
(AVICC) conference which focused on housing legislation, climate action, and youth engagement. Cael gave a speech at the conference on his advocacy efforts for free transit for youth on the Sunshine Coast and his representation on Gibsons’ Council.
Advocacy Efforts: Mayor White’s advocacy efforts have included meetings with BC Ferries officials, discussions on complex care housing, and engagement with the Minister of State for Infrastructure and Transit. Noteworthy successes included securing 20 complex care beds for the Sunshine Coast and advancing discussions on stormwater management.
Local Initiatives: Mayor White discussed efforts to preserve Stonehurst, healthcare infrastructure, and homelessness outreach.
Community Engagements: Councillor Christi Thompson participated in fundraising efforts for the Gibsons Senior Society Harmony Hall expansion and attended an AGM with MP Patrick Weiler.
- View the full Council Meeting agenda here: Gibsons – Meeting Information (civicweb.net)
- View the full Committee-of-the-Whole agenda here: Gibsons – Meeting Information (civicweb.net)
Council Report Highlight – Mayor White’s Meeting with Patrick Weiler
In his Council Report, Mayor White highlighted his meeting with MP Patrick Weiler on January 16 where Weiler announced federal funding for the removal of seven derelict boats in the Gibsons/Howe Sound area. To emphasize the continuing need for this support, Mayor White showed MP Weiler a loose boat that had sunk in the harbour only a few days earlier. Abandoned boats pose a serious risk to the coastal environment and a are significant cost to taxpayers.
Read the full Council Report here.
Review of BC Timber Sales Mt. Elphinstone South Watershed Assessment
The Natural Asset Technician presented a brief to Council on the comprehensive peer-reviewed hydrologic and hydrogeologic review of BC Timber Sales Mt. Elphinstone South Watershed Assessment. The Natural Asset Technician provided recommendations to Council that BCTS conduct additional research and take proactive measures to safeguard the watershed before initiating any logging activities.
Read the full staff report and recommendations here.
Budget Discussions
Staff presented the long-term financial plan, preliminary operations and capital budgets for the Town’s Water and Sanitary Sewer Services and Garbage and Organics Collection at the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting. Long-term financial plans are under significant pressure due to escalating construction costs to replace aging infrastructure. Updated costs will require $28 million dollars to replace existing sewer infrastructure and $12 million for water infrastructure, virtually doubling previous estimates.
A 5% rate increase to both water and sanitary sewer utility rates was recommended for 2024, with higher rate increases coming in the future. A 5% increase for a single-family residential property would result in an additional $37.06 for sewer and $47.75 for water (sample household that used 320 m3 per year). Furthermore, as per Council’s request, staff Sanitary Sewer and Garbage and Organics rates structures will be adjusted to discontinue the practice of applying extra fees to long-term rental suites, beginning April 1, 2024.
Read the full agenda and related reports here.
Mixed-use development at 1057 Gibsons Way
Council gave staff direction to draft zoning bylaw amendments for a proposal to develop a mixed-use commercial/residential building at the corner of Pratt Road and Gibsons Way, with a height bonus conditional on secured rental tenure for the residential units located above the second storey. The proposed development would provide 141 housing units, commercial/retail business, and Live-Work opportunities in a key area of the Town where a wide variety of services are accessible within walking distance and via transit.
View the development overview here.
Lot 14 Venture Way
Council passed third reading for both OCP and Zoning amendments to change the land use to light industrial. The bylaw needs to be signed off from the MOTI before coming back for adoption.