Anti-Noise Bylaw - Town of Gibsons

In addition to general regulations, which aim to prevent people from disturbing their neighbours through excessive noise-making, the bylaw provides specific regulations around activities such as construction and use of power equipment, and guidance of “Quiet Hours”.

Anti-Noise Bylaw 1295, 2020

Those specific regulations are summarized in the table below:



Development of New Anti-Noise Bylaw

On July 28, 2020, staff proposed a new Anti-Noise Bylaw to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration, as the original bylaw was adopted in 1980 and contained outdated terminology.

Additionally, the new bylaw provided the opportunity to introduce regulations around the use of power equipment (which are a prime source of complaints) and establish “quiet hours”.

Read related Staff Report, which includes the original Anti-Noise Bylaw from 1980 and the new Anti-Noise Bylaw as first proposed, here.

On September 8, 2020, Staff brought forward Anti Noise Bylaw 1285, 2020, which reflects input received at the July meeting. Read related Staff Report here.

On October 6, 2020, the proposed bylaw received first, second and third reading. Read the Related Staff Report here.

On October 20, 2020, the bylaw was adopted by Council.