Committee & Council Meeting Highlights – Jan 23, 2024

Please note that this is an informal summary of selected items from the meeting and is not an official record of proceedings. For official records, including agendas, minutes and staff reports, please refer to Gibsons – Home (

View the full Council Meeting agenda here: Gibsons – Meeting Information (

View the full Committee-of-the-Whole agenda here: Gibsons – Meeting Information (

Patrick Weiler looking over a railing at a submerged sailboat in the water.

Council Report Highlight – Mayor White’s Meeting with Patrick Weiler

In his Council Report, Mayor White highlighted his meeting with MP Patrick Weiler on January 16 where Weiler announced federal funding for the removal of seven derelict boats in the Gibsons/Howe Sound area. To emphasize the continuing need for this support, Mayor White showed MP Weiler a loose boat that had sunk in the harbour only a few days earlier. Abandoned boats pose a serious risk to the coastal environment and a are significant cost to taxpayers.

Read the full Council Report here.

Review of BC Timber Sales Mt. Elphinstone South Watershed Assessment

The Natural Asset Technician presented a brief to Council on the comprehensive peer-reviewed hydrologic and hydrogeologic review of BC Timber Sales Mt. Elphinstone South Watershed Assessment. The Natural Asset Technician provided recommendations to Council that BCTS conduct additional research and take proactive measures to safeguard the watershed before initiating any logging activities.

Read the full staff report and recommendations here.

Budget Discussions

Staff presented the long-term financial plan, preliminary operations and capital budgets for the Town’s Water and Sanitary Sewer Services and Garbage and Organics Collection at the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting. Long-term financial plans are under significant pressure due to escalating construction costs to replace aging infrastructure. Updated costs will require $28 million dollars to replace existing sewer infrastructure and $12 million for water infrastructure, virtually doubling previous estimates.

A 5% rate increase to both water and sanitary sewer utility rates was recommended for 2024, with higher rate increases coming in the future. A 5% increase for a single-family residential property would result in an additional $37.06 for sewer and $47.75 for water (sample household that used 320 m3 per year). Furthermore, as per Council’s request, staff Sanitary Sewer and Garbage and Organics rates structures will be adjusted to discontinue the practice of applying extra fees to long-term rental suites, beginning April 1, 2024.

Read the full agenda and related reports here.

Mixed-use development at 1057 Gibsons Way

Council gave staff direction to draft zoning bylaw amendments for a proposal to develop a mixed-use commercial/residential building at the corner of Pratt Road and Gibsons Way, with a height bonus conditional on secured rental tenure for the residential units located above the second storey. The proposed development would provide 141 housing units, commercial/retail business, and Live-Work opportunities in a key area of the Town where a wide variety of services are accessible within walking distance and via transit.

View the development overview here.

Lot 14 Venture Way

Council passed third reading for both OCP and Zoning amendments to change the land use to light industrial. The bylaw needs to be signed off from the MOTI before coming back for adoption.

OCP Amendment Bylaw 985-34 – Lot 14 Venture Way

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1065-75 – Lot 14 Venture Way

2 Thoughts on “Committee & Council Meeting Highlights – Jan 23, 2024”

  • I like the look of the development at 1057 Gibsons Way. But I am concerned about the intersection, it’s not the greatest, despite all the changes to it.

  • Re. Development 1057 Gibsons Way – I hope sidewalks at the intersection of these busy roads and the signals- in every direction all allow sufficient time, for everyone to cross over – the young, very young, the elderly, not so old and those impaired in any way. After all not many people strive for Olympic standards! The quality of the side walks in this area leave much room for improvement. Co-operation between the Town and Ministry responsible for roads needed please.

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