Integrate policing costs into the budget while maintaining financial sustainability, core services and other strategic objectives.
7.1 Focus on core municipal responsibilities in budget.
Asset management focus so in 2023/24, cutting back of other non-core items.
In Progress
7.2 Increase Policing Reserve fund by 5% every year of term.
The 2023 and 2024 budgets included a 5% contribution to a Policing Reserve.
In Progress
7.3 Work with the Sunshine Coast detachment to ensure continued levels of service during transition period.
Regular meetings with RCMP, good communications being maintained.
In Progress
7.4 Reconsider Grants of Assistance and Property Tax Exemption programs to align with strategic objectives.
Grants of Assistance program rescinded. Review of Permissive Property Tax Exemption Policy in progress.
In Progress
7.5 Support containment and reduction of rising costs and taxation at the SCRD.
Costs definitely not contained but we have consistent record of speaking and voting against increases.
In Progress
Implement climate resilience measures through Natural Asset Management.
8.1 Update Development Permit Areas to strengthen the protection of natural assets i.e. creeks, riparian areas, forests, and foreshore.
Project is underway and is led by Diamond Head Consulting.
In Progress
8.2 Implement recommendations from the Source to Sea and the Coastal Resilience projects.
Infrastructure staff presented the findings of the Source to Sea project to the Committee-of-the-Whole in July 2024. Coastal Resilience project recommendations are being considered through the Healthy Harbour Project.
In Progress
8.3 Continue exploring natural infrastructure solutions for climate adaptation such as the White Tower Pond system and the Lower Watershed project.
Current focus is on active projects and critical asset replacement/upgrades. As new projects are identified, assessment of the viability of natural infrastructure approach will be made.
8.4 Embed Natural Asset Management into fringe area planning and natural service expansion outside our current boundaries.
Aquifer 560 Watershed Agreement between the Town and the Sunshine Coast Regional District. Staff presented to the SCRD Board on the Town’s natural asset approach to managing Aquifer 560, and with recommendations for consideration regarding the SCRD water system. Staff from both local governments are trying to meet regularly and discuss progress on implementing the actions identified.
In Progress
8.5 Complete an Urban Forest Plan to balance growth with our need to support tree canopy.
First round of Community Engagement began in January 2024 with an online survey and a virtual open house. Diamondhead is working on a draft of the Urban Forest Plan, with a target to finalize and bring forward to Council in Q4 2024.
In Progress
Ensure aquifer and watershed protection to continue to deliver safe and sustainable water supply to the community.
9.1 Collaborate with the Squamish Nation on leading local water governance and watershed security.
A Council to Council meeting is being planned between the Squamish Nation and the Town of Gibsons. Location and time to be determined.
In Progress
9.2 Investigate the upper reaches of the Chaster Creek and Gibson Creek watersheds to assess the recharge characteristics of Aquifer 560 and its component aquifer lobes.
Flow Accretion (infiltration) Studies complete for both watersheds. Infrastructure staff presented findings and recommendations to Council in Q2 2024.
In Progress
9.3 Install additional monitoring wells to further characterize the Capilano Aquifer and the confining unit of Aquifer 560.
Drilling of the monitoring wells was completed in January 2024 and will be monitored as part of the broader program in place.
In Progress
9.4 Continue with the monitoring program of Aquifer 560, precipitation in the watershed and creek flow.
Data collection is ongoing, updating the aquifer 560 model has been included in the 2024 operating budget.
In Progress
9.5 Develop a Watershed Management Area Plan to enhance the protection of Aquifer 560, including:
- Risk Management Policy
- Water Sustainability Plan
- Groundwater Sustainability Assessment
- Wellhead Protection Plan
- Emergency Response Plan
An internal working group will be established in Q3 2024 to develop a framework for how best to approach the WMAP and set priorities.
9.6 Implement the recommendations of the 2021 Aquifer Mapping Study Update.
Project was completed in Q1 2024.
Offer clear communications, community engagement and regional leadership regarding water supply, climate resilience, and Natural Asset Management.
10.1 Take a regional leadership role in aligning our water supply assets at the ecological rather than the political boundaries, through responsible co-management with our regional partners.
Watershed Agreement in place. Planning and Infrastructure staff from both organizations are working on drafting a Fringe Area Plan and or completing a systems optimization study. On July 11, 2024. Town staff presented a series of recommendations to the SCRD Board, providing feedback on the draft Regional Water Strategy.
In Progress
10.2 Continually inform the public on water use and conservation measures and provide regular updates on the state of the Aquifer.
Updates are provided in the Town’s monthly newsletter and on the website.
In Progress
10.3 Develop a Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) to reduce community-wide consumption and GHG emissions.
2024 Budget request was approved by Council for 50% of the cost. A grant application will be submitted in Q3 to the Green Municipal Funds. Work is expected to start later in 2024.
10.4 Create a Carbon Neutral Plan for Municipal Operations.
Project underway. Renamed Corporate Climate Action Plan, to be completed Q2 2024.
In Progress
10.5 Implement Community Dialogues on Climate Resiliency.
Partnership with SCRD being considered.
10.6 Continue to advocate for water metering and volumetric billing at the Sunshine Coast Regional District.
This work is continuous through board representation at SCRD.
In Progress