White Tower Trail - Town of Gibsons

As the noise of civilization vanishes, you find yourself standing among Douglas fir, hemlock, cedar, and spruce. The tranquil ponds alongside the trails are part of Gibsons’ “Natural Asset” inventory, as they play an active role in helping to manage the Town’s stormwater. Skunk cabbage also thrives in the park.

Did you know? White Tower got its name from the Society of Creative Anachronism who used this area years ago for their medieval gatherings and games.

How to get there: Heading west on Highway 101 in Gibsons, turn left on Mahan Road. In less than 30 seconds you will be at the trailhead.

Parking: Parking available at the foot of Mahan Road.

Amenities: Ponds, benches, and a small wooden bridge.

Trail Length: 325 meters of compacted gravel trail.

Estimated Time: 20 minutes, but what’s the hurry?