Alternative Approval Process - Town of Gibsons

Alternative Approval Processes (AAP) 

Under legislation, a local government has two methods by which they may seek approval of the electors: Assent of the Electors (a referendum), which is approval by voting, or Alternative Approval Process which allows the Town of Gibsons Council to proceed with an action unless 10% or more of the electors state their opposition within a prescribed period. 

An Alternative Approval Process (AAP) is a cost-effective method to engage with the community to determine whether there is support for certain initiatives, such as long-term borrowing, or other service-related projects. If 10% or more of the eligible electors oppose the initiative, the Town cannot proceed with it and must consider other options including going to an assent vote (referendum). 

A unified AAP combines various initiatives and runs them concurrently with a goal of saving taxpayer dollars as well as supporting increased engagement efforts to ensure the community is aware of ways to have their say or get involved. 

How does an Alternative Approval Process Work?

  • If you are in favour of adoption of the bylaw in question, no action is required.
  • If you are opposed to the adoption of the bylaw, you may sign an AAP Elector Response Form.
  • If 10% of eligible voters in the Town of Gibsons complete and submit the form then Council must either abandon the bylaw or put it to assent voting (referendum) to obtain approval of the electors.
  • If less than 10% of eligible voters in the Town of Gibsons complete and submit the response form, then elector approval is received and Council can choose to proceed with the initiative.

Who is eligible to participate in an AAP?

Any individual who qualifies as a Town of Gibsons resident elector or non-resident property elector within the area affected by the subject matter of the AAP can participate.  If you are unsure whether your address is within the Town if Gibsons municipal boundary, you can search for it here.

The AAP is now closed. View the results in the Staff Report here.

2024 Alternative Approval Process 

Bylaw No. 1313 Sanitary Sewer and Outfall Project

Notice of Alternative Approval Process 

Information Package Sanitary Sewer and Outfall Project AAP

2024 AAP Staff Reports package

Bylaw No. 1314 Water Main and Road Restoration Project  

Notice of Alternative Approval Process 

Information Package Water Main and Road Restoration Project AAP

2024 AAP Staff Reports package